Sunday, November 30, 2008

All I need...

I used to take 40 kids camping with me every summer; it started out innocent enough; but in the word's of Ron Burgundy "that escalated quickly." As a kid, growing up in the inner city of Los Angeles, I did not have an opportunity to experience much of nature. As a matter of fact the only experience I ever had with an open fire was standing around a fire that was lit in a trash can on the curb in my neighborhood; well that is not completely true, there was another time, when I was about eight-years old, but that involved a field, a book of matches, the fire-marshal's son, and some youthful curiosity; which was a really bad combination and most certainly a story for another time.

For this story I go back to my analogy of camping. When camping, we would take as many provisions as humanly possible. Our truck would be so loaded down that we looked a little like the Beverly Hillbillies. Even with all that stuff we would always invariably forget something.

There are times in life when we are stressed about all that we do not have; it is the nature of compelled and anal humans to gripe. It seems that for many of us, it is in our DNA to live in a constant state of discontent. The pressures of life seem to close in and produce an emotional claustrophobia and as a result, we feel the urge to abandon ship.

All the things we have at our disposal to make our lives more convenient and yet, none of them can deliver us from what is inevitable and that which is really needed.

I have always laughed when I think of the scene from Steve Martin's "The Jerk." In a despondent moment Martin's character says "all I need is this chair". This analogy helps remind me that "what's happening is not what's going on." There is more to our situations in life than meets the eye. Even though we may lose perspective, there is more happening around us. There is a need to ascend to the correct perspective in the process of living..

I am often asked why it is that I do not panic over deadlines. Why it is that I seem to be able to look the most 'fiercest dog' of the corporate world in the eye with little fear. Is it arrogance, a lack of intelligence? No. My resolve is an awareness that my most ardent adversary is simply human, he has no more power over me than I allow him to have. I see that my most severe trial is only temporal. I carry a keen awareness that "this too will pass" and that I really have more than I need. The nature of that awareness and the well of that provision is beyond me, it is most certainly relational. I often speak to skeptics about this "luck" I seem to have. If it is coincidence (and I think it more providence than not) than may I be on the right side of chance.

The Hitchhiker
Victor Manning

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Red Pill Gazette Purpose

This site is not is a Matrix fan site. I want to avoid endless analogies to the Movie. I do not want to see you in your best "Neo" costume (as handsome as you might be). The movie and its metaphor of the "red pill" serves as the context for the subject of my writings.

As I stated in the first posting it the purpose of the site is to further the idea of the awakening of the human soul. If it is anything it is dedicated to the personal epiphany people can experience. It is also meant to help people as they begin to walk that awakening out.

In my mind I am thinking of people who are in the process of redefining themselves, maybe they go to the barber as a clean-cut icon of the American boy and return with a Mohawk. This is an outward expression of an inward change. What they are expressing in doing something this radical is that they are different, or at least perceive themselves different. Understanding that is important.

When something like this happens; the people that I am in relationship with may have something to say about this. I might lose my job, or even risk losing a relationship. There are always risks when change is present.

This not to foster the myth that this conflict is worth all risk, it may not be. The analogy of Cypher in my earlier post was given to highlight the reality that what we experience may be painful, or even confusing. We may lose sight of why we woke up in the first place. This is rough and ugly but true none the less, if you are going to continue on the path of awakening then you must realize it will have it's own price tag. Truth does not come in neat little packages.

You cannot expect that the truth will even meet you on your terms. This is not something you can control. When truth is presented (or in my weird view of the world, introduced) it is something I must react to, something I must acclimate toward. Effort is made to synthesize it into my experience. In this sense change is not a natural progression, or evolution but a discipline.

What has been your experience with the being made aware of truth? What change did you have to make as a result?

Step by step

The Hitchhiker